Complementary Therapists

Bioresonance & Bowen

Sally is a root cause therapist. She has over 20 years’ experience in this field. Her main aim is to get to the bottom of diseases and/or symptoms, and eliminate them. Using Bioresonance therapy, Bowen therapy, gut health programs & DNA nutrigenetics testing she aims to help you get rid of burdens on the system, find out the areas of your body that need extra help, and get you as healthy as possible. The work Sally does is not a one treatment approach. It takes commitment from her and you, as the patient. 

Core Nutritional Therapy

BA, PGCE, PgDip, MSc Nutrition Science and Practice

Vicky is a Nutritional Therapist with an MSc in Nutrition Science and practice. As well as offering 1:1 nutrition therapy, she is a published nutrition writer and a creator of multi-sensory nutritional experiences. The mind body connection is at the core of her practice, and the topic of her dissertation research, because it’s fundamental to gut and hormone health. She has used her research to create immersive, educational nutrition experiences at Mindful Dinner events across North Yorkshire.

Complementary Medical Practitioner

Teresa is a highly committed and motivated complementary medical practitioner with 30 years experience in a variety of settings including GP surgeries, complementary health clinics, schools, sports centres, hospitals, hospices and cancer centres.

She uses one or a combination of complementary therapies: Emmett Technique, Holistic and Clinical Aromatherapy, Clinical Reflexology, Reflexology Lymph Draining (RLD), Scar Work (MSTR and ScarWorks), Hypnotherapy, Massage, Reiki, Indian Head Massage, and Flower Remedies.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapist


Sarah is an established specialist, having run her practice, Flourish Hypnotherapy, in central Harrogate for over a decade.

A graduate in linguistics with psychology, she moved into hypnotherapy from a professional corporate career in marketing communications and social research.

Delighted by the results of her own personal experience of hypnotherapy in her 20s, she trained to the gold standard Hypnotherapy in Practice Diploma with the Academy of Clinical and Medical Hypnosis and subsequently in Solution Focused methods. Solution Focus is a recognised and evidence-based technique, which concentrates on solutions, rather than dwelling on the problems that brought you to therapy.

Mouna Flow Yoga

200hr ttc + 60hr yin ttc Sampoorna yoga, India

Nicki is a yoga and meditation teacher who offers group classes and 1:1 sessions.

Her passion is helping people to slow down and reconnect to their mind, body and soul, whether that be through asana (physical postures) yoga nidra, breath, sound or meditation. All of these practices have at their heart the means to being less fragmented, reactive and unbalanced, helping you find your way back to wholeness. A massage therapist for over 20years Nicki works intuitively to help release long held stresses and tension, allowing for the free flow of energy and vitality.


Natalia is a highly qualified registered medical herbalist with degrees in pharmacy and herbal medicine and over 36 years of experience in health care.

She bases her personalised treatments on both experience and expertise in Eastern and Western herbal medicine traditions supported with modern scientific knowledge. Her past work as a pharmacist brings a deep understanding and appreciation of the body’s chemistry and pharmaceutical interactions within it. 

‘We all have stories waiting to be told; therapy creates a safe space for them to be heard’.

Nancy Hill


01423 595 000

The Harlow
No. 1 Cardale Park,
Beckwith Head Road,

Mon-Thursday 8.00-9.00pm and Friday 8.00 - 6.00pm. Saturdays 9.00-1.00pm

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